Society Memberships

Created by Phyllida 5 years ago
Fellow BOA
Corresponding member American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (By invitation only).
Corresponding member of the Shoulder and Elbow Association of Australia (By invitation only).
Member European Shoulder and Elbow Society and British Elbow and Shoulder Society.
Member Orthopaedic Research Society and BORS.
International Member American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Founding member International Surgical Thrombosis Forum.
Founding member World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and UK Liaison member.
Honorary member Greek Orthopaedic Society and the Macedonian and Thrace Orthopaedic Society.
Honorary member Indian Orthopaedic Association.
Steering Committee Member UK Thromboprophylaxis Forum.
Member: BSSH, Girdlestone Orthopaedic Society.