My Surgeon

Created by Mark 5 years ago

i was under the care of Simon for 9 years and we remained in contact when he sadly became ill.  I was not the easiest of patients, as Amanda would no doubt testify, and it is undoubtedly the case that Simon and I went through a lot, together. With 12 episodes of shoulder surgery, it is perhaps unsurprising we got to know each other outside of the clinical setting too.

He was the consummate professional -  frank, interested and reassuring as the circumstances necessitated - I had absolute trust and confidence in him, though I’ll admit I did find his choice of socks disconcerting on occasion particularly just before he was about to operate on me! It was obvious too, by the way his colleagues acted around him, that he was held in high esteem, respected, knowledgeable and prepared to help, guide and support them. 

More recently we took to meeting for coffee (and the occasional cake), to put the world to rights and also so he could advise me about what I needed to do to improve a Health Board which I now chair.  I of course listened to and acted on his wise counsel.

i will greatly miss my surgeon, my friend, those socks and his smile.