My Boss

Created by Amanda 5 years ago

Prof as he will be forever known by me, despite him trying to get me to call him Simon was certainly one of a kind. Scary when you first meet him and it certainly took me a while to get to know him properly but once I did he was kind, good fun and above all else the hardest working person Ive ever met (apart from Margaret of course). He loved being involved in everything, doing a hundred different projects at once and if you suggested slowing down he just said "nah, its all good fun".

He was an amazing boss, included me in everything, despite me not understanding half of it. So much so he decided we would do a collaborative research project with his friends in Malaysia. We had a small meeting with them in Liverpool one Friday afternoon and on Monday morning he asked me if I would go to Malaysia with them to help set up the project, the following week. Of course i said yes and ended up going another 7 times, either with him and the team or on my own. If we all went together it was like an audience with Prof Frostick as to how many people would take us out for dinner, if I went on my own all anybody wanted to know was where was Prof!!

It was great if he came as not only would he get me in the first class lounges but I have great memories of sitting in the hilton bar at the end of a long day about 6pm having a couple of beers with him and David Pitts, Margaret would sensibly be in her room and we would gossip and put the world to rights.

As a boss i couldnt ask for more, he was an inspirational role model and annoyingly was always right about everything because he knew everything, he once told me about my own nursing regulations and he was right! . He insisted I did a degree, in fact he said dont bother with that do a masters and I did thanks to him. He thought it was hilarious the study days were on saturdays so i didnt miss any work. 

I am going to miss him terribly as I know everyone will who ever got to know him.